​Prison Consultancy
Understanding the world of prisons and corrections can be tough. With over 20 years of experience working at the very front line of our prison system, there is not an issue we have not dealt with. So if it's policy implementation, operationalising systems, improving performance or leadership challenges, reach out and we can help resolve it.

System Navigation
Are you or your organisation new to the Criminal Justice space? As our name suggests we will help you unlock the complexities of entering into, working within, and navigating through the day to day. Whether its induction, familiarisation, Action Learning Sets, coaching or mentoring we will help you break in to and work within the space, positively impacting as you go.

Procedural Justice
Using the principles of Procedural Justice - Voice, Respect, Neutrality and Trust - and based on our own evidence and practice, we will help you build systems and processes that are fit for purpose and meet the needs of the people you work with, that you serve and that are impacted by what you do - driving results and better outcomes.

Leading in complex environments
Leadership is hard, we are here to help simplify it. Do you need to improve your leadership skills or those of your team. We can bring over 20 years of leadership experience in complex environments, a 40 year career history and help you improve outcomes.

Executive Coaching
Working with a professional Executive Coach who is experienced in both private and public sector leadership, and with an international dimension will allow you to reconnect with your authentic self and help you prepare for your future challenges. We have experience working internationally and within the UK, coaching others to build their careers, develop strategy and improve systems and performance.

Strategy and Business Development
We can work with you to develop a business plan or strategy to suit your needs and meet your opportunities for growth. It may be a short term pivot, a longer term growth plan or your new multi-year strategy. We will work with you and your team to bring your vision into a realistic plan leading to both action and results.

International Speaker
Available to bring real world complex leadership experience to your conference, boardroom, or after dinner event.